An eminent business consulting and private equity firm proficient in providing key investment opportunities for entrepreneurs in all areas of business development. We build sachems in scalable industries by providing automation to non-traditional sectors, making it effortless for contemporary business owners to scale their businesses rapidly.
With a niche in commercial real estate our clients step into instant cash flow with automated income-producing assets. Choose to purchase an existing, well established business and reap the benefits, or sell your business with us. We facilitate the various corporate acquisitions required to expand your global private equity operations beyond borders. Leverage the hard work of others to maximize your investments. Wherever you are on the journey of a controller-ship, we'll meet you there with solutions.
Invest in YOU!
Voice of Jibrial Muhammad aka 19keys -High Level Conversations
Owning a business may be the quintessential American dream, but the sacrifices it takes to start one may not be for you. Many people are unaware that you can skip this process altogether and go from working a traditional 9–5 to being a savvy business owner in a few months. Acquire profits that someone else worked hard to acquire. Buying an existing business is a key strategy major corporations use to corner markets. Well, we will not only teach you those same strategies but also assist you every step of the way.
You are stepping into an automated business with systems, employees, and profits already in place.
These systems can be duplicated for you to copy and paste for rapid expansion.
You will already have a customer base. Saving time and money on marketing without seeing a return on the marketing dollars like startups. Most existing businesses have already perfected their branding strategies.
Don't know much about the industry you're interested in owning? No worries. You'll have the previous owner on hand to train you personally on how to properly run the business they spent years building.
Sounds great, right? What's stopping you from setting up an automated wealth-generating system in your life? You don't have the money to invest? Don't worry, that's where we come in. We have several methods and techniques we can teach you so you use as little of your own funds as possible to acquire your dream business. Use other people's money to fund your dreams. Plenty of entrepreneurs do this every day. Some of the easiest methods are through SBA loans and seller financing. We have systems in place which could require $0 out of pocket. We can also assist in non-traditional methods through credit and leveraging the assets of the business you're interested in buying. We'll also recommend our team of experienced lawyers and accountants so you're as comfortable with the acquisition as you need to be. So, what's holding you back? Skip the line and go straight to the profits and assets.
Are You Ready To Automate Your Business?
Providing premier business solutions for entrepreneurs on the go. Business automation.
Providing premier credit solutions for entrepreneurs on the go. Credit automation.
Providing premier logistics solutions for businesses on the go. Trucking automation.
Main Credit Consulting
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T.O.S 888-868-4510 8015 International Dr. Orlando, FL 32819